Wednesday, April 27, 2011

TwO iS EnOuGH..

Bebang don't wanna face the mirror for she might see a headless chicken!

Poor Bebang..
After several years of experiencing repeated falls (by choice), she is again empty-handed. Though she's on her way towards earning another degree for fulfillment's sake, she still feels so alone. Many times, she told herself to stop but still, she ends up giving into being overly emotional..

She doesn't know what bad spirit seems to connect and involve 'only-she-knows-who' in her memory everyday. There seemed to be an arrow which hit her bull's eye in the heart and etched a 'n0-way-to-heal' scar. Despite the pain caused by the paki-ko-sa-iyo gestures, uncooked jealousy, new-found insecurities, unwavering inconsistencies, and the so-called paradox of emotions, Bebang turned out to be eccentric..

That's it! She's above normal sometimes.. in short, abnormal.. She hates the feeling of being 'taken for granted'.. who does anyway? It's as if nobody would take a bullet for her.

In one of the lowest times of her life, she was crying alone.. thinking of the next thing to do..
April 27 - the day that she'll die as her dream repeatedly played..
As I looked at her crying, I reached out for her hand and I felt the coldness, the loneliness and the hurt.. There was something deep behind her consciousness that's bothering her..

I pity her. I held her hand for so long and say a prayer until she fell asleep..

When she woke up, she smiled at me and said, "Thank you". The day is almost through.

I winked and replied, "Thank God for the two hands that you have. It's enough to hold and keep each other warm and secure, specially in moments when it's both empty".


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