Sunday, February 13, 2011

DeAR sTuDEnTs..

I don't only want to teach you the lessons I ought to teach but I intend to make you realize that learning is a pleasant experience. I take the responsibility as your parent inside the classroom and I am hoping that you'll give me the due respect I deserve. I do my best to memorize your names despite the hundreds of faces I see inside the different classrooms everyday and I'd appreciate it if you don't transfer seats for it helps me a bit. I want you to feel at home in my class.

Your punctuality and participation in our class is important to me. I don't want you to miss anything. Your interest in the subject inspires me to teach better and do my best to share everything I know. I hate it when you are not listening while I am talking. It's an insult for me, not just as your teacher but as a person as well. I'm expecting you to ask questions politely and not merely to test my capacity. I stand in front of the whole class as a teacher, not as a performer. I intend to demonstrate and give examples, not to do any exhibitions. I notice it when the class gets boring. We have the syllabus to follow. We, teachers, seemed to have no right to be lazy but we get tired too, like any human does.

I don't intend to be a 'terror' teacher but sometimes, it's the only way to discipline the majority. It is never easy to deal all at once with fifty different personalities inside the classroom. Often times, it's an unjust battle between one and fifty. There are times you'd hardly understand me why I get so upset if the class gets noisy. It is only when you become a teacher too, then you'll know.

Yes, we do teaching as a living but giving our time and our hearts into teaching is a personal choice. I hope you, students, see that. We can never be perfect educators in as much that you can't be perfect students too. Teaching is a vocation and learning is a passion. Listen then, not only with your ears, but with your heart.

Learning, just like growing up, is a matter of choice. Even if we'd jump from the roof top but if students refuse to learn, it's useless. We are just one of those who help in shaping your future but everything lies in your hands. Please don’t blame us for your failing grades. We watch you closely during examinations not to give you agony but to be fair with the whole class. We give you assignments and projects not to drown you but to maintain your momentum. We give you seat works and board works not to punish you but to give you the opportunity to show off and boost yourselves. We let you stand and answer questions not to embarrass you but to give you a chance to be heard and make an impression to others.

Whether you've learned or not, we are still fully paid. As we do our best to teach you, do your part as students and we'll be more happier for you.  We want to motivate you as you hopefully inspire us..  for without you, we are never called TEACHERS..



  1. to gina: i know you are such a special person way back when you were still my student..but now, i feel more depth and character in you..keep up the good work!

  2. thanks Ma'am Fritzie!
    i am so grateful to all my teachers who were kind to me and made me enjoy the life of a student and you're one of them.. :))
