Thursday, December 23, 2010

cHRisTMaS bLESSinGz!


may mas makulay pa ba sa PASKO?


in Friendships, smaLL things couLD mean the whole worLD!

genuine haPPiness often comes from small yet significant giFTs..


a friendship that doesn't last was never a friendship at all!

Merry ChrisTmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ever bought something so expensive yet found it useless afterwards? Can you name an item in your household that’s been there for a long time yet you find it hard to discard because of its monetary price? In this time of economic crises, it is sad to realize that most of us are becoming impractical by spending too much on things we thought we need.
Value Engineering might sound new to most of us but in fact, it could be applied in our daily lives. This concept was best explained to us by Dr. Jerson N. Orejudos, our professor, by taking a pencil as an example. Normally, a pencil consists of a lead, a wooden barrel, an eraser and a metal band supporting the eraser. The ultimate function of a pencil is to make marks. Supposing, we remove the eraser and then, the metal band can also be removed. That would probably reduce the cost of manufacturing pencils by 20% and so it follows that its price could also be reduced. In this way, customers are now given a choice: to buy a pencil with an eraser in a higher price or to buy a pencil without an eraser in a lower price. After all, pencils are made to make marks and not to erase marks.
Why do cost overruns exist in a construction project? Could it be that it carries unnecessary components? By reducing unnecessary items, unnecessary costs are also reduced or eliminated. An item is classified as unnecessary if without it, the whole system functions the same or even better. Value Engineering requires common sense, creativity, innovation, and teamwork. Its implementation improves a construction project by minimizing the life cycle cost and reducing maintenance and operation costs without compromising safety, quality and the environment. While focusing on the basic functions, good or better substitutes are being considered. The best alternative is the one that costs less and performs better. That is why Value Engineering is applied at the design stage of a construction project. The concept is easy but the implementation is so difficult. Value Analysts oftentimes becomes a third party between the owner and the designer. Well, it depends on how we see it. Perception and attitude always counts.
It’s Christmas season once again. As we wait for Santa’s gifts, let us invite Jesus with us. Remember, it’s Jesus’ birthday not Santa’s! I bet Baby Jesus prefers a simple and humble celebration. Since we have our bonuses and 13th month pays, it’s high time to shop and buy gifts for our love ones. Its main purpose is to make them happy. Why not apply value engineering then? Would our grandparents be happy if we give them PSP’s? Would our children be happy if we buy them a golf set? It’s like feeding a cat with colorful M&M chocolates!
Let us just think of the word: FUNCTION. It will then relate to the user’s needs, to an item’s worth, cost and value. For me, this is value beyond analysis. Anything less than the necessary functional capability is unacceptable. Anything more is unnecessary and wasteful.
We always ask God to give us our daily bread, not our bread for tomorrow and the next days to come. Isn’t it that anything that is too much nor too less unfavorable? I may sound absurd but this is just an idea worth sharing. The choice is always yours... Feliz Navidad!

Value Engineering Mastermind by Anil Kumar
Value Analysis Module I by Juan de Vincente
Prof. Jerson N.Orejudos, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

tHe eNd..

each of us represents a star in the sky. sometimes we shine with the rest. sometimes we twinkle alone. sometimes we fall to make somebody's dream come true... 

some things are not meant to last.. just like the butterflies. in as much as they wanted to live longer than they do, their destiny is inevitable.

we all make choices. we make decisions. it feels like a stab in an existing wound to give up something, especially if its a person.. but it would be more painful to continue wooing someone who treats us as 'substandards'. what's more painful is that we don't have the right to be angry coz they don't need us. probably, they have no intention of ignoring us. its just that we don't matter at all.. :(

everything fades. nothing lasts forever. even in the dictionary, the 'end' exists. no questions asked.

i'll try not to miss you. as any disease is better avoided than cured, so does our friendship. i don't wanna enumerate the reasons why but this is for good. i believe this is what you wanted long way back. i felt that but i gave myself the benefit of the doubt. i knew where i stood but i still tried to be a part of your life despite the indirect resistance.

like a star, i am ready to fall just to make your wishes come true. i know you've waited for this.

i'd be hurt..
i dunno how long would it take to heal..
but since nothing lasts forever, this too shall pass..
i'll be okay..

i hope you'll feel better now..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

mE vs mYsELF...

the RIVER:
full of life..
full of energy..




willing to learn and unlearn..

after all, life itself is a risk..
no pain, no gain..
no guts and sacrifice, no glory..

i won..
i conquered.. 
and i felt good! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


i didn't want this to end..

i've never felt so free like this..
for me, this is heaven on earth..

the clouds came down to hug me..
the cold breeze kissing my cheeks..
the countless raindrops are like blessings from the heavens..

this is love..
this is love making with mother nature..

no lies.. no limits.. no resentments.. pure happiness.. acceptance.. freedom!

i feel so safe in your arms..
your caress thrills my whole being..

your scent lingers in my memory..
your voice sounds like music to my ears..

your hug feels like heaven to my soul..
if only i could tell you how much you mean to me..

i long to feel your touch once more..
but only in my world of make-believe 
coz i know you'll never be mine..

nevertheless, just let me love you..
in silence..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

iN tHE E.Y.E.S oF aN EnGiNeeR..

Every structure must be built with skill and patience..  

liandra's dreamhouse
I am a licensed Civil Engineer for more than thirteen years but since I practice engineering in the academe, I always ask Renan if hindi ba mahirap sa field (is it not difficult in the field construction?). despite the knowledge and theories I've learned and discovered, I still feel intimidated in the construction world.

While I'm busy checking papers and preparing for my next lesson, he's also busy sketching, drafting, measuring, estimating. Once he's done, he would always ask for any comment or suggestion. just to shorten his agony i would always say "perfect!".. one thing i've observed, engineering is also a vocation because we cannot patent our design ideas.. mas mabuti pa nga ang quotations kasi may authorship. too bad there is no plagiarism in engineering construction design..
Another thing.. sige nga, tell me how much is the worth of the signature of a licensed CE? degrading? Oh NO! this is the challenge for us engineers.. if only we practice the code of ethics!

Renan and I have sleepless nights together. i do watch movies in the cable TV or in the DVDs while waiting for him to finish editing, changing, printing, and preparing several options for his client. He would always say: THE SUCCESS OF ANY ENGINEERING PROJECT DEPENDS ON THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNERS. He needs to prepare every small detail of the building very clearly for the carpenters to understand and follow his instructions correctly. According to him, the compensation he gets as a Project Engineer becomes invaluable if the owner couldn't appreciate the outcome of the efforts exerted by the whole team - the carpenters, painters, plumbers, electricians and laborers with the PE as the leader. For them, recognition is more expensive than any amount of money.

From a simple sketch of the floor plan, a masterpiece is done. Renan said: ANYTHING THAT COULD BE DRAWN IN PAPER CAN BE BUILT. how? ONLY A REAL CIVIL ENGINEER KNOWS!

Now that I'm on my way towards the degree in Doctor of Engineering, I still have many questions to ask.

Why I married a Civil Engineer like me? Probably because we complement each other.. Someday, I would understand too why God directed me in this path I'm taking now..

just give me time, more time..

*dad, i learned and i'm still learning a lot from you.. i've helped in making my students become engineers.. and you teach me how to become a true civil engineer by heart..* cholomot.. wabu..

Monday, September 27, 2010

A PieCE oF P. E. A. C. E.

The talk of Prof. Rudy B. Rodil, Peace in Mindanao: Tri-People Approach, opened my senses to what is really true behind the different versions of the story regarding the conflict in Mindanao. I agree with what he emphasized that “we can always document figures but never the emotions.” and since there is conflict, then peace becomes a dream. Unfortunately, the Spaniards (he labelled as the ‘sabongeros’) left us, Muslims and Christians, fighting. Although we claimed to be free from the said bondage, the fight (sabong) still goes on between us. As he had mentioned, it has started long ago during the Spanish regime and it was carried on to the next generations. I guess many of us are unaware of the past and yet, the feeling of hatred and wrong impression towards the other sect governs our feelings towards each other. Since it takes at least twenty years to change a generation (according to research), the academe indeed plays a big role in educating the younger ones. The husay, sandugo, and kapatiran encompassed the bigger picture of moving towards the attainment of peace and justice. I think it could create a deep impact, if and only if, it is wilfully and genuinely done.

       Mr. Musa Sanguila presented the background, the mission and vision, the people behind, and the different activities of the Pakigdait, Inc., which I believe gave all of us, participants, an idea that peace is now within reach. Their organization is so inspiring that if another group of people would just commit and work together to form a replica of it, justice and peace would be more evident in all areas of Mindanao. The song and the documentations presented has given a ray of hope and for me, I’d say that peace and justice in Mindanao is worth the efforts of all Mindanaoans.

       Prof. Saturnina S. Rodil’s talk on Multi-culturalism: Going Beyond Biases and Prejudices made me pause for a while and do ‘self-evaluation’. True to what she said, human as we are, we tend to notice only the faults and the negative side of all things. Our past experiences often influence our judgements and so if we want changes, we should start changing our perceptions. Due to individual differences, we see things differently. In fact, we become bias and we negatively label those who are different from us. In my own opinion, it’s all in our mind. But since thoughts can be changed anytime, we just simply decide on it.

        Smile is the beginning of peace. I agree. It’s the inner peace that is just being radiated. We cannot give what we do not have. We are the new generation of those yesteryears and so, if we want to create a peaceful Mindanao, then we have to start now. May He bless us all..  

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

S. I. N. FooL. N. E. S. S.

who doesn't want to be a winner? on top of everyone? oh c'mon, let us not be hypocrites. if we really belong to the human race, then we surely do! 

it was more than once mentioned that everyone is born good. if someone we know becomes bad or even we ourselves become bad, there are reasons why. each of us has a tendency towards sinfulness because of envy. animals as we are, we tend to be 'animalistic' in nature. say in school or in the workplace, we feel bad if our friends fail or stumble but the more we feel bad if they are way ahead of us. right?

we are all selfish. we are all arrogant. we are all boastful. we are all liars. we are all pretenders. we are all traitors. in short, WE ARE ALL BAD. but! but! but! at different levels or depths. we can never control our emotions because it pours both in our conscious and unconscious state. for me, it's not a sin but once it is put into words and actions, it's a different story.  

now, let me confess...
i am selfish. i always want the best. i feel so bad if my share is smaller than others. i'd rather want it fair or equal with the rest, atleast. or much much better if i had more of everything..

i am arrogant. i want to excel. i want others to see me shine. i want everyone to admire me. i want to show them what i know. i want them to listen to every word i say because what i say is always right..

i am boastful. i always have something to say just to level up myself.  i don't feel comfortable with people who assert themselves all the time. galit ako sa kapwa ko mayabang. others are nothing compared to me. i want to be a symbol of excellence..

i am a liar. i want everything to be easier. i want all issues to be ironed. i want to end all stories my way. i take all the chances to prove what is true to me. i don't care what's true. i am the truth..

i am a pretender. i choose what i want others to see. i choose what i want them to hear from me. i want to make a good impression. i am good in covering my flaws. i want to look perfect..

i am a traitor. i do favors if only i get a benefit out of it. i can sacrifice others but never myself. i can wait but only for a short time. when i say yes, i only mean maybe. i have no word of honor..
i am bad, really bad. whether i like it or not, this is my nature! fellow homo sapiens, AREN'T YOU?

WILL I GO TO HELL? of course not! 
because i know what's right and wrong.. because despite the many sinful emotions, words and actions can still be controlled.. because i am aware of my weaknesses and so, i can refresh my soul with a dose of faith.. because i believe in life after death and the glory of being with Him in heaven..

in every moment of our lives, we are to make a choice.. this or that? here or there? stay or leave? yes or no? heaven or hell? to sin or not to sin?

that's life. its a game. sometimes we loose. sometimes we win.if it's a point system, we'll know our score at the end of the finish line. let HIM be the tabulator. let LOVE be the criteria of our scores and let HEAVEN be the reward for the winners..

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


ChRisT- LikE pEopLe iN a Non-ChRisTian scHoOL

let me share with you my schedule:
September 2010
3 - go back to Iligan
4 - @ 9 am - my second reporting in Management
     @ 1 pm - submission of Problem Set No. 3
     @ 4 pm - attend Professorial Lecture in Environmental Science
5 - @ 1 pm - make-up class in Management
6 - @ 1 pm - presentation of the solutions to the Problem Sets using MATLAB

September 3, i wasn't able to go back to Iligan because Yzabelle was admitted. i felt so worried. all the while i was in the hospital, i was thinking of my requirements and the deadlines. i informed my classmates and my professors and i was so touched with their reactions through texts and phone calls..

September 11, i was welcomed with questions : HOW ARE YOU? HOW'S YOUR BABY? doubled with statements such as: YOU CAN SUBMIT LATER. DON'T WORRY, WE UNDERSTAND. YOUR REASON IS VALID.. even without the doctor's certificate.. it feels so good to be supported by people who barely knew me for three months!

i remember the time when i was still undecided to enroll at IIT. i had so many fears. mahirap daw sa IIT. terror ang mga professors. mahirap gumradweyt. matatalino ang mga teachers kasi sa abroad nagtapos. in short, very discouraging..

let me tell you these: some are true. they are all intelligent indeed and earned their degrees outside the country. they teach well. but one thing that i have discovered, they are all very humble. you can never see their degrees pasted on their foreheads. their hearts are larger than their brains. i was very thankful because i was made to realize that not all intelligent people have a heart of stone. i even felt smaller after knowing that their salaries are twice (or thrice) than ours. they are happy people, radiating positive energies and so, they are more blessed with a younger-looking face and a good health.

i wish to be like them. they teach because they want their students to learn. they don't do exhibitions and magics for us to believe in their capacity. they need not prove that they're the best or they are better than anyone. most importantly, despite their degrees and status in life, they are still 'within reach'. schools are training grounds for humans to learn for self-efficiency, not heartless machines to just simply memorize and top the board exams. with professors like them, what school wouldn't be blessed with self-motivated students and board exam topnotchers?

Monday, September 13, 2010

yZabeLLe’s battLe with DeNguE ..

September 1
lunch at Jollibee.
yzai complains of stomach pain.
@ home, fever started at around 2pm.
temperature is 38.6º
after taking paracetamol, she vomits.
temperature never subsides.
ranges from 38.2º to 39.5º

September 2
@ 2am, temperature increased to 40.5º
she cries and complains of headache and stomachache.
we are having second thoughts.
we don’t want her to be ‘dextrosed’.

@ 10 am, we went to see her Pediatrician.
we were advised to have her confined.

she underwent rapid test for dengue.
it’s positive.
platelet count: 143
minimum platelet count is 150

September 3
platelet count: 118
blood transfusion needed.

9-hours-BT started at 9pm.
one FFP and one PRP

September 4
platelet count: 101
observation and close monitoring of possible bleeding.

September 5
platelet count: 87

platelet count: 60
blood transfusion needed.

September 6
@2:30 am: we went to the ER for her dextrose to be re-inserted.
four hours-BT started at 3am.

platelet count: 64

we had a good sleep for the first time since September 1.

September 7
platelet count: 75

platelet count: 102

September 8
platelet count: 107
doctor's order: patient may go home..

Notre Dame day.. Mama Mary's birthday.. to God be the glory!

All to Jesus through Mary..
All to Mary for Jesus..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

aBouT D. E. N. G. U. E. (from GSDH Bulletin)

Dengue is an acute fever caused by a virus and occurs in the forms of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue fever (DF) is marked by the onset of sudden high fever, severe headache and pain behind the eyes, muscles and joints. Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a more severe form, in which bleeding and sometimes shock occurs – leading to death. It is most serious in children. Symptoms of bleeding usually occur after 3-5 days of fever. The high fever continues for five to six days (39-40º) and comes down on the third or the fourth day but rises again.

Recognition of dengue fever:
• Sudden onset of high fever
• Severe headache (forehead)
• Pain behind the eyes
• Body aches and joint pains
• Nausea or vomiting

Recognition of dengue hemorrhagic fever and shock:
Symptoms similar to dengue fever plus any of the following:
• severe and continuous pain in the abdomen
• bleeding from the nose, mouth and gums or skin bruising
• frequent vomiting with or without blood
• black stool (like coal)
• excessive thirst (dry mouth)
• pale, cold skin
• restlessness, or sleepiness

There is no specific medicine for the treatment of the disease. However proper and early treatment can relieve the symptoms and prevent complications and death. Aspirin, Brufen, NSAIDS, and ketorolac should be avoided in dengue fever, as it is known to increase the bleeding tendency and also it increases the stomach pain. Paracetamol can be given on medical advice.

Important Facts:

• The first symptoms of dengue occur about 5-7 days after an infected bite.
• Dengue mosquitoes rest indoors - in closets and dark places and outdoors - in cool and shaded areas.
• Mosquitoes become infected when they bite people who are sick with dengue.
• Dengue mosquitoes bite during the day.
• Rehydration, both orally and intravenously, doesn’t cure the disease but it is necessary to increase resistance against the disease.
• Tawa-tawa doesn’t fight the dengue virus. It only promotes the development of blood platelets and softens the effect of virus which attacks the blood.

Starting September 2010, RAPID TEST FOR DENGUE is already available at GSDH Laboratory for Php 1, 500. Results are determined after an hour.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

tO eRR is hUmaN, tO forGivE is unUsuaL.

The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, good example; to your father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. (A. Balfour)

ayayayayay...i'm too far to be a saint! (mahilangit lang ko, choks na!)

negative thinking and drama are addictive. believe me, it's true. enjoying the drama sometimes could be healthy as it exercises the emotions within us. (so long as we don't end up in jail or in the mental hospital). count me out!

now, think of anybody or somebody you 'unlove' the most. for us, they seemed to be the ugliest, grumpiest, and WTF creature ever! right? now, let's look at ourselves in the mirror. does it look like we need a face lift? a diamond peel? a surgery? or whatever your honor? ahem.. ahem.. ahem..

take note! do those persons whom we are nursing a grudge know that we are thinking about them? do we want them to know how much of our time is devoted to their 'fan club' in our minds? halla!

the only key? ForGivEneSs...(aray!) As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons- desiderata! if we cannot forgive, we are weak for only strong people has the capacity to forgive.

NASAKITAN KAYA JOKEMS! i was hurt. maybe yes, but it was with your consent. right? have we ever thought of the reality that God is always just? it could be that we were hurt but who are we to blame others for things that we've also done? haven't we hurt anyone? how many times have we asked forgiveness to those whom we have offended?

CHUDEZ MAN JUD MALIMTAN! its difficult to forget. maybe yes, but its just a thought. right? and thoughts can be changed.

SEE? it's very simple. for me, i have no right to be resentful because i am an offender myself. if there's a person who made me so angry, i should have understood on the first place. anger could just be a reaction to some unfavorable experience but it should not be a pathway towards ill will and condemnation. its a sin!

there is no benefit in holding a 'burning coal' in our own sinful hands, not a bit! come to think of it. call it quits right now. its the only way and the best way to take revenge to those whom we called 'enemies'.

so i say to those whom i have offended, to those who have my 'fan club' in their minds, and to those who see me as ugly, grumpy, and WTF animal : take a complete revenge on me. NOW NA!

dEviLishLy NecESsarY...

HOPELESS? feels as if you are atlas carrying the world on your shoulders? hmmm...why, who told you to? whatever battle we're into, the bottleneck is always between pursuing or stopping. be it small or big, is it worth the sacrifice? what's the use of holding on for a long time if we just drop everything?

if you've been through this, welcome to the human race. nevertheless, history is only a footnote to help us avoid making the same mistake again. we all learn from the past and it's finite. we should not dwell on it.

always look forward. the future is infinite and we can still do something about it. think positively and believe in yourself. affirm! affirm! affirm! affirmation can still the voice of fear because we can only think of one thing at a time. leave no space for negative thoughts.

turning our backs against any 'hill of trials' is a sign of defeat. we don't want to be a looser. we are all champions since the fetal stage. we should not forgo the gift of life that God gave us.

aren't we God's angels? created with love, pampered with graces and blessings, and assured winners in this game of life.

take a look at the devil. even though they are doomed to fall, they never give up.

if we believe we are destined towards heaven, why give up? as long as our intentions are good, i bet we'll get through any war smoothly and win the battle with victory..


Monday, August 16, 2010

NeVer ForgEt tO rEmeMbEr...

always remember to forget
the things that made you sad.
but never forget to remember
the things that made you glad.

always remember to forget
the friends that proved untrue.

but never forget to remember
those that have stuck by you.

always remember to forget
the troubles that passed away.
but never forget to remember
the blessings that come each day.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

thAt’s wHat yOu gEt foR nOt foLLowiNg iNstrUctiOns!

ME: Thank you sa love. Friends lang jud akong gusto. I believe mao ni ang tama db?

YOU: Kng para semu frends ta, para saq kakilala lng taka.bad3p!

Fine! You make use of all the chances I gave you. I knew all the while since you started flirting, you were just making a fool out of me. Kilala kita, that’s why!

I replied to your text messages because I thought you have that ‘friendly intention’. You always ask for proof that I really love you. Of course, I love you just as I love all my friends. What more could you ask?

I really do not know, who or what, gave you the idea that I would give in to what you want. PS??? It was a big no no! (and will always be!) I told you I am just curious of that particular sin of immorality, but I didn’t mean that I’ll do it or if I would, not with you! (with Renan, yes!)

You said you love me a hundred times. What for? I mean, in exchange of what you want? You called and sent text messages till dawn, threatening me. The next whole day, you say sorry for what you’ve said and done. You did it several times. Anovah! You did not sleep for three days and two nights? (too bad for you, tsk tsk!) While my life goes on with my daily routine in school, you were busy calling and sending text messages to my CP. That’s what you get for not following instructions. You wasted so much of your time.

YOU: Beh I’m sincerely in love wid you. Promiz. Mgkandarapa ba q kng di taka love ha? I love you so much. I love you very much. I love you..

Pagsure oy! You can never convince me. What are these sweet messages for? In exchange of those ‘p*tang ina’ ako? You never heard and will never hear any harsh word from me because I wasn’t mad at you. I condemned what you did but not you. (char!!!) I was just killing you softly by not answering your calls and not replying to your text messages. In that way, I know I’ve made you more upset and for me, it was more than enough! (193 missed calls and 242 unread messages, how’s that? Answered calls and read messages not counted).

All is fair in love and war. Whatever agenda you may have, that’s your problem. You started it? You end it!

If you think I was a fool to believe that you have loved me then, let me tell you that I was more than smart enough to make you believe I did!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

biRtHdaY bAg oF bLesSiNgs

Mary Lou Dianne Besas, RN
a.k.a. DAYAN

You will always be that someone I always gonna look up to. Hehehe. Redundant au ang always! Eniwez, Happy B-day! God bless u! Tanx for being so nice to us! Hope to spend more years with u....Mwah!!!
there is no key to happiness coz the door is always open..

Leizl Villahermosa
a.k.a. NANAY

Hi! Te Gi,
Happy B-day to u. Wish you all D' Best in Lyf. Stay da Same. Mwahhhhhh!

Steffi Dawn Ilagan
a.k.a. TEPTEP

Te Gina,
Happy birthday!
First of all,I want to thank God for letting you come into our lives. You are indeed a delightful angel from up above. You're such a great blessing: a good wife you your husband, a loving mother to your children, a respectful daughter to your parents and a wonderful friend to the people around you. More of that, I wish you all the best in life. May God bless you always and remember that we all love you! Again, happy 2x bday...

Cherry Love del Rosario
a.k.a. MY LAB

Te jieenaa,
Happy birthday!!
May God bless you as you continue your journey and give you more birthdays...!
thankx a lot! we Love you!

Blessed Joy Gula
a.k.a. BLETED

Teh Gina,
Happy birthday!
Be strong and courageous! For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. God bless!

Nina Mirsy Tiboron
a.k.a. NINZ

Te Gina,
May you be showered with countless blessings in life and feel the joy and fulfilment that you truly deserve.We're always here for you although we're all younger than you and hopefully I could stay longer with you in this room. Thank you for all the "tutorial lessons" and for the "trivias" everyday.
We love you!

Danica Mae Calimot
a.k.a. AYKA

Happy Natal Day! [para di sumo, hehehe :)]
From the phosphate bond of ATP coming from the mitochondria of my whole myocardium with all the chambers of my heart, I would like to express my Heartfelt thanks for all the help and, Trivia? (hahaha, Trivia Queen!)
-irelate ba naman sa kurso!?- :D
We love you Te Gin!
more bdays to come and good health... GOD BLESS.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

mY hUsbaNd's miStreSs...

LISA MARIE DEL ROSARIO, 25 years old, HRM graduate, working in Singapore for six years, went home in General Santos City for a vacation. She has a long wavy hair, 5’5” in height, and a vital statistics of 34-25- 36. And so, their story goes..

Lisa got Renan’s number from a common friend. She had seen him twice and is willing to be his friend. Lisa is a liberated woman and has an Indian fiancé left in Singapore. She works in three hotels as a front desk supervisor. Living independently and temporarily staying with her Uncle’s family in GenSan, she’s afraid of commitment for having a sister in Dubai who is separated. The Hi’s and Hello’s started it all. Singapore and jobs in Singapore sustained their communication. Then as time passed, the commitment as text mates was established. From text mates to friends, they shared insights about family, their likes and dislikes, their weaknesses and experiences too (family, work, travels, love life).

Eventually, texting became less challenging and expensive so they both agreed to chat. Closeness became very evident. They became intimate friends endlessly sharing ‘anything’ under the sun. Too much familiarity is indeed boring. Cutting the story short, Lisa started it all. Fascinated with her, he also became interested. Loneliness yearns for comfort and for passion. And since they were both lonely (maybe), they found each other. They shared ‘everything’ (as in everything!) using the technology available; in bed, in the bathroom, and wherever their sinful imaginations could reach. Often, the last question both of them ask each other is: ‘HAPPY?’, with a big yes as an answer of course! Passionately, Lisa would always assure him that she would do everything to make him hers, exclusively hers alone. Because of that enduring happiness, the plan to meet personally was set aside.

One time, Lisa dared to call and listened to his moans and etc. Lisa couldn’t help it. The emotions were overwhelming (killing her!). It felt ecstatic yet burns like hell! It was fathomless. Uncovering the mouth piece, she asked softly: Happy? Finally, for the first time he heard her voice over the phone, a very familiar voice. He was suddenly offline. Lisa cried.

It was a few minutes before my 36th birthday. We were chatting earlier until he told me to rest and get ready for my big day, ending our conversation with “I love you and I miss you”. My birthday was welcomed with tears: tears of joy because of my thoughtful room mates who surprised me at exactly 12:01 am and tears of jealousy brought by the ‘joke’ (if i may call it) I started. Call me a fool or crazy as I may seem to be and ask me if I am happy and my answer would still be: yes.

I called Renan. He was speechless. I asked him, “won’t you greet me on my big day?”. With tears in my eyes and a wavering voice, I told him how much I love him and I will do everything to make him mine, ONLY MINE. He couldn’t believe it. I accepted his apology. I apologized too. We talked and renewed our promises till dawn. That’s how we love each other. After all, he fell in love and in lust with the same woman. yes Darling, IT WAS ME! ...your wife and at the same time, your mistress!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

tHe jOyz & aGonY of tRavELiNg..

thirteen to fourteen long hours of travel is not a joke! swollen legs, backaches, dehydration, headaches, thirst, hunger, sleeplessness or sleepiness (whatever it may be)...


no room for BOREDOM or tedious dullness!

my body may be surrendering but my heart and brain, NEVER! when i travel, i pray a lot.. although i often sleep on it, i manage to continue despite of the bumps, twists, and fall i always endure.

after each travel, i realize that it was too short for my conversation with HIM. i pray for those i hate - those who offended me intentionally or not. i pray for those who hate me - those i have hurt consciously or unconsciously. i pray for those who care for me - those who told me so that they do and those who did not. i pray for those i cared for - those whom i showed my love and concern and those i forgot to assure. i pray for myself - the 'as if' righteous ME yet full of flaws, the prayerful ME yet weak against temptations, the intelligent ME yet outwitted by the most stupid satan's advocate, the sensitive ME yet unmoved most often by the priest's homily, the talented ME yet busy doing unnecessary things, and the most sinful ME yet always ready to repent, always..

i believe HE doesn't count my prayers and how much time did I spend serving Him and His community. HE LOVES ME FOR WHAT I AM. my prayers were heard. some may not yet be answered but i am waiting because HE KNOWS BEST.

AMEN!? no, not amen yet.. for my prayers were always offered with a warm regards, hugs, and kisses for the first man in my life, my PAPANG. amen? yes, I do believe.. AMEN!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

ToOT yoUr hOrN!

Doc Rod’s report on Productivity and Industrial Organization Structure made me realize the importance of teamwork and communication. Our ever humble professor, Dr. Bari (Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance) shared once again his breath taking encounters as an administrator, calling it ‘learnings’. The cappuccino coffee served this morning made my morning complete.

Doc Randy (6th placer in the CE board examination) treat us with a free lunch at Mandarin Tea Garden. With Doc Jean, I was (again) able to have my favourite buko shake. Thanks to Doc Randy for celebrating my birthday in advance.

We were in Chowking this afternoon munching a bowl of cold halo-halo and a pair of butchi (courtesy of Doc Woody) despite of the low temperature brought by the rain. I didn’t chill that afternoon (which I usually do after eating halo-halo). Probably because our discussion brought me the ‘emotional’ warmth I needed that moment I was with them. It was Doc Bebot who shared about the importance of ‘tooting our horns’. Image is very important, especially for us Filipinos. How do we do it? It is only a matter of introducing ourselves without boasting. We just mention facts and we do it humbly (without carrying our own bench). So, I may say, we MUST toot our horns when the situation calls. It takes a lot of practice though but it’s never late to start.

We dream to become consultants someday. No guts, no glory. Dream big! But for the meantime, we’ll toot our horns first.

With free ride, free lunch and free snacks together with my new found friends, am I not lucky?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

F. I. S. H. bE wiTh yOu!

KCC Mall of Gensan, General Santos City

tambayan ng aking mga anak..
hindi kumpleto ang gimik kapag hindi dumaan at sumilip sa pond ng pet shop na ito..
simple happiness for FREE!?

nganong ihikaw man?

stOnEd to dEatH? nO wAy!!!

last year, my ex-boyfriend's laboratory result in his annual PE required him to be admitted. he was scheduled for an operation because of kidney stones. the decision was imposed by the physician and it should be done ASAP. thirty minutes before the operation, Renan refused. so, we talked to the doctor and decided to reschedule the operation. it was fear, doubts, and faith that changed Renan's mind. FEAR - probably of the pain, blood, and consequence or effect of the operation. DOUBTS - he haven't felt any discomfort. why is such an operation needed? FAITH - the fear and doubts we felt that time brought that much needed faith. we were so helpless. we did not know what to do.

we went home. we prayed hard. we asked for signs. water, herbs, buko juice, and prayer were the only medicines we depended on. according to the doctor, the stones were already too big for the oral medicines and laser to 'dissolve' (or shrink?). there were two. we still waited for a miracle.

this year's annual PE revealed that there's only one stone left. it gave us hope and the more we believe that another miracle is going to happen.

July 14 , 2010, 5:30 pm : Renan voided the killer stone which was approximately 15 mm! SEE THE PIC? that's not a gem!

everyday is a miracle. it only goes unnoticed. miracles are possible... but only for those who believe!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

complement or compliment?

Our life could be the only Bible other people read. This is one BIG reason that we must radiate positive vibes and exemplify virtuous actions. Simply faith (not simple faith) makes a person strong against any temptation that may come along the way. At times, we are caught in a predicament where quitting is not an option. Life itself and the way of living it, is always a choice and no matter how we strive towards sainthood, we sometimes slip or fall. The countless unguarded moments prove our human tendency towards sinfulness.

Talking about being pampered, I’ve already had my fill. Being an only child, I was used to being the star and the center of attention of my parents. Now, here comes the next chapter of my life. I believe God gave me Renan as a companion who would complement the puzzle of emotions I have had. When it comes to thoughtfulness, in a range of 1-10, I guess his is only 3. I love surprises but it’s not in his vocabulary. I love gifts but it is not in his priority list. Nevertheless, I have learned to embrace that imperfection, having been convinced that I must love the person I found.

This is what I must do...So, help me God.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

iF tOmoRrow nEveR cOmes…

Tomorrow is just an illusion. Life is indeed so full of mysteries.. Often times, I feel so incomplete. I thirst. I long for something I do not know. It’s hard to explain. I am always caught up in a road to nowhere. I think God intentionally made me feel this way as a reminder that I need Him. Yes, I do. I really do.
I know He is a good god. With Him, tomorrow becomes a reality. His guidance makes my journey smooth sailing. The future will end by the time I reach the finish line. It’s so weird. I believe there’s a reason for my existence. I have a purpose, a mission to accomplish..
Whatever it may be, it’s the reason why I still wake up alive and breathing each day…to discover the missing piece of the puzzle that would make my life complete..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

the day that i'll die?! (posted a year ago : April 26, 2009)

_when I was still in high school, I've been dreaming the same dream...and that same dream repeated more than three times already until that dream, I was inside a coffin and in the wake, it was clearly written:

BORN: August 6, 1974

DIED : April 27, _______

_quite hard to explain and it tests my faith in Him...may Your will be done Oh God! So, to make this date meaningful, I made this day a start of a new life and as practiced, I list all my blessings and I do "self inventory"...this is also the day my mother and my husband fear so much...more than I do! But of course, ako din, for my three kids...and probably, this day is one of the days that my family prays so hard :)

...mysterious for me, but I believe that that dream has a purpose...maybe to remind me that I am not immortal; tell me that I have to live life to the fullest; cherish all things, people, places and experiences that I encounter; and to trust God in all things...i was never perfect and i will never be but i know His compassion and mercy will spare me from an "unhappy ending"...

...but i wish...not now, not yet...

i Am nOt a cOmfOrT wOmaN (a repost)

One evening, I was inside the comfort room when my youngest daughter, Yzabelle, peeped inside and shouted “wow!” That is always her expression whenever she changes clothes, sees food on the table, sees her favorite cartoon characters, receives ‘pasalubong’ from anyone, sees her ‘kuya’ and ‘ate’ dance or hear them sing. This time, I was surprised. My baby appreciated my efforts! But, why do I love to clean comfort rooms? Even when I was still young, one of my favorite household chores is to clean our CR and I accepted that responsibility even when I was in college, in our dorm with three of my friends in the room. Maybe because, no one can clean the comfort room like I do. Let me share why…

I have noticed that most people don’t want that task. Of course! Come to think of it…Eeeeeeew! But why not me? Count me out! It is indeed so tiring and stressful to brush, to wipe, to wash, to touch, to scrape, to squeeze, to push hard, to pull, to bend, to kneel, to reach further, to crawl, and to see myself in the mirror with damped hair covering my sweaty face. Oftentimes, all of us want our services to be always compensated. Who doesn’t want to be rewarded? Who doesn’t want to be appreciated? Who doesn’t want to be noticed? Who doesn’t want to be given importance? We don’t want to sound hypocrite and simply say, “It’s okay!”

When I decided to teach, everybody were asking, “Why? You’re a licensed Civil Engineer! Sayang ka…” Others would say, “Mas okay na din kasi mahirap sa construction…mainit, nakakapagod, baka hindi mo makaya…” Honestly, I also didn’t know why… Twelve years in the academe was not a joke. That was my life…my career…my vocation! I don’t know if how much have I contributed to the community and how I influenced the lives of my students. There were times I was so enthusiastic, well-motivated, inspired, full of energy, oozing with confidence but there were also times I felt tired, felt lazy, depressed, stressed, felt bored, discouraged, abused, and frustrated. Mathematics was always the least-liked subject of most students and so, the teacher becomes the culprit of the failing grades…Teaching mathematics was always a challenge but even more to it, was how to teach students love the subject. Its like feeding someone with no appetite! One time, I was riding a tricycle at the back seat while listening to the conversation of the two students in the front seat talking about their teacher in Calculus and the difficulty of the subject. Inside my mind I said, “Luoya sa teacher oi…” When they went down the tricycle…OMG! Was it me the teacher they were talking about? They were my students and may I say, my favorite students? Sad to realize (reality bites!), they have the opposite feeling towards me and the subject.. There’s a turmoil in my mind… What’s wrong? What have I done? Is it my fault? Am I a failure? What will I do? My mind went blank…

I was in the mall one “pay day” to buy necessities for the house and for the whole family…I have a list of the needed grocery items (some crashed, those less important!) and I was determined to be really practical in buying. I was in the lane of toothpastes comparing the prizes, when I noticed a familiar face. I was busy with my calculator computing to see what brand has a lesser price and so, I wasn’t able to say “hi! (long time, no see…)” to that person. When I was waiting in the counter, I was looking at the grocery items the woman in front of me purchased… In my mind I said, “Wow! pringles, imported corned beef, sensodyne toothpaste, Baygon insecticide, and many more… ang mamahal nito! inggit ako, ang dami niyang pera!” Defending myself, I thought, mas practical lang ako no! Then, when the woman paid the cashier, she looked back and I was surprised again. Finally, I was able to say “Hi!” and then, silence…no reaction? I had mixed emotions that time… “Isn’t she the woman who borrowed P10,000 from me a year ago and promised to pay me with interest?” OMG! I shed tears loosing that big amount to that woman and now, she couldn’t even recognize me? I looked at the grocery items in my grocery cart, tsk! tsk! tsk! My senses switched off…

I hate seeing anybody banging the door. For me, it indicates that the person wants trouble. Though forgiven (not yet forgotten), I can still name the persons who did that to me several times. I hate to recall but one time, I remember one of the relatives of my family telling me, “pabayaan mo na, bunso kasi yan kaya suplada…” OMG! really? How about me? I’m the eldest and the youngest child in the family, I’m an only child! Does that also mean that it’s acceptable for me to be more suplada? I can’t believe it. I was speechless…

And now, going back to the start of the story…After cleaning the CR, I went out, wiped my hands dry and carried Yzabelle and kissed her on the cheeks. Then, as I looked at our housekeeper lying on the sofa, teary-eyed while watching “May Bukas Pa”, I smiled and said to myself…Life is a matter of perspective; its how we see things!

Many times, we feel so small and degraded by some people around us…its like cleaning the comfort rooms (not with their toothbrush, no! no! no!). So be it! If that would boost their confidence, make them feel superior, or simply make them feel comfortable, why not? Easier said than done! Yes, but its only in the beginning…So what if I am not the best teacher? So what if some people loves to make broken promises? So what if I choose not to be a ‘sosy’ spoiled brat (may K kaya ako noh!)? So what if I’m the one doing the job of the person I am paying? Let it be my choice then…

I am a College Professor, a licensed Civil Engineer, a graduate of Master’s Degree in Engineering, but my palms are rough not because of the chalk but because of the ‘cleaning detergents’… Nevertheless, that doesn’t make me less a person but rather, it lets me cherish deeply the very few people who makes me feel comfortable by “cleaning the comfort room” for me with their time, friendship, kindness, appreciation and unconditional love

Sunday, March 21, 2010

B A N G ! ! !

my specimens are ready to be tested. we did the first trial this morning but the testing machine can't plot the graph on the screen. it might be because of the value that's so small, i don't know really. i'm starting to be hopeless. i wanna cry. and i am now crying :((

what if? omigosh! i don't wanna think about it. i don't know what's next. i need a handkerchief. i need comfort. i need motivation. i need words of wisdom. i need a hug. i need some advice. i need encouragement. i need time. yeah, i need time... to think! do i still need to go on? what for?

i'm tired. i hope the world hears me. i get tired too. see? i'm a looser right now. i feel so bad, really bad!

if i still have a second life, i'd kill myself!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

THeSis 101

Tensile and Flexural Strength of Fibercrete Boards made from
Pineapple Fibers

The main objective of this study is to determine the tensile and flexural strength of a fiber concrete board with pineapple fibers from agricultural waste and determine its acceptability to be used as an alternative construction material.
The tensile and flexural strengths are measured from forty-eight (48) fiberboard specimens: twelve (12) specimens for tensile strength parallel to surface; twelve (12) specimens for tensile strength perpendicular to surface; twelve (12) specimens for flexural strength faced up; and twelve (12) specimens for flexural strength faced down. All specimens undergo curing in water for at least 28 days. Specimens taken from a commercial fiberboard, particularly a 6 mm Hardiflex board, are also tested.
Six (6) classes of mixtures with a thickness of 6 mm and 12 mm, with cement-sand ratio of 1:2, mixed with an increasing 0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% cement-pineapple fiber ratio, and 0.8 water-cement ratio are prepared. The moisture content, apparent specific gravity and absorption of both the ground sand and cut pineapple fibers are also determined. The tensile strengths of pure pineapple fibers in single-strand and three-strand categories are also noted.
Tests are conducted using the Universal Testing Machine (UTM) of the NDDU Engineering Laboratory and results show that (a) the 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% pineapple fiber–cement ratio for the 6-mm specimen reach both the required tensile and flexural strengths of fiberboards, (b) the 3%, 4%, and 5% pineapple fiber–cement ratio for the 12-mm specimen reach both the required tensile and flexural strengths of fiberboards, (c) such mixtures are interpreted as acceptable to be used as an alternative construction material, and (d) using pineapple fibers as an admixture is one of the ways in recycling it.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

tHoUgHtz fRoM nOwHerE... in short, maLiNg aKaLa :))

Nothing compares to you coz you make me feel so special. You always start and end your day remembering me. No one has ever made me feel this way before. I have died several times but you kept me alive with your love and concern. Thank you for being so thoughtful and caring.

Nobody is perfect in this world but for me, you are almost close to perfection. You always complement the flaws I had within me. Sometimes, I also see myself in you and it made me understand myself more. You always bring out the best in me. Thank you for teaching me to believe in myself and to trust in God all the time.

My life would never have been complete without knowing you. You’re indeed a blessing to me and I am so thankful you came into my life. I may have been defeated by destiny but because I am inspired by you, I am still ready to face life’s challenges knowing you’re always beside me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

what kind of fool am i?

why do i spend time doing unnecessary things?
why do i keep on planning without implementing?
how many promises have I made but left unfulfilled and broken?
why do i keep on crying over things i can never change?
how much time have i spent thinking of people who doesn't remember me at all?
why do i still keep on giving even if it hurts?
why do i love those people who don't even care?
why do i keep on waiting?
what am i expecting?

Can you please tell me...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

mY fiRst and laSt miStaKe..

I love you. Just let me love you.

Don’t ask me why for I can’t give you exact reasons. I myself don’t even know why. Why you?

Don’t ask me how because I can not explain. I just realized it without any warning or symptoms.

Don’t ask me when because everything happened spontaneously. I was falling. I just simply fell.

Don’t ask me where because we’ve been to different places together and those places will never be forgotten because of you.

I tried so hard to resist and divert my feelings for you but I always loose the battle. The moments I had with you were both a pleasure and an agony. A pleasure because the feeling was great and my energy is always at the maximum and an agony because I was so guilty because I am married. It is a challenge for me to keep myself sane despite of your heart-pounding gestures. If you only knew that every little thing you say, you give and you do means a lot to me.

I am now caught in a limbo and I blame no one but you! Why you? Suppressing my feelings was no good. Let the heavens punish me for I am still loving you despite of the negative illusions I invented just to discourage me and ‘unlove’ you. I’m in a dilemma right now. If you only knew but I choose not to let you know because I am contented with the way things are: you, loving me as a friend and me, wishing you love me more.

I have no regrets because I believe all things will fall into right places someday. Perhaps God has a purpose.

I am so vulnerable. You are so indispensable.

I love you. Just let me love you.

I do hope that someday I will be able to forget the feelings I have for you so that when we meet again, I can look straight into your eyes and say, “I’m so glad we’re friends”.